Projects — damask fabric
Boho Bag - How To Make a Quilted Tote
Appliques batting Bohemian Boho Boho Tote Bag calico chic DIY craft craft how-tos craft project Crafts craftsy crafty damask fabric Decorative stitches designer DIY diy gift DIY gifts diy project Fairfield poly-fil Fashion fashion design fashion statement gift idea girls night crafts hoop handles How To Make a Tote how to make a tote bag how-to how-to videos howto ideas instructions Janome Janome decorqtive stitches Janome sewing techniques Low Sew make Make It make it yourself make something maker Making It market bag multi-color pattie donham pattie wilkinson PattieWack Pattiewack Designs PattieWilkinson Pattywack Pinterest poly-fil Polyfil Projects Quick Sew quilter repurposed repurposed earrings ribbon Ribbon and trim rosettes sassy sewer sewing summer DIY textile tweed fabric wine crafts wooden hoops wooden purse handles
Woven Wall Hanging - "Knotty & Nice"
batting cotton dyed batting damask fabric denim pompoms denim tassels fabric strips faded jeans Fairfield indigo knotty lemon drop Loopy Mango organic orly-fun recyled jeans shibori stripped jeans thrift store wall art weaving woven wall hanging
 This woven wall hanging was so much fun to make for Fairfield with their fabulous cotton batting that I dyed with Tulip® dyes in lemon and indigo colors, and combined them with recycled jeans, shredded damask fabric, and Loopy Mango yarn.  It is part of a Fairfield social media campaign, and I can't wait to show you the rest of the projects that were made for a beautiful sunroom with tons of projects.  So check back soon, for more deets! Meanwhile, here are the steps it took for me to make this wall art, that I hope inspires you to...